How to make a tom turkey call
This classic call can be the key to luring in that elusive tom turkey.
The tom call is a
versatile tool in any turkey hunter's arsenal. It mimics the gobble of a mature tom turkey, making
it an effective way to attract toms during the breeding season. Toms will often respond to a tom
call by gobbling back, allowing the hunter to pinpoint their location.
To effectively use
the tom call, it's important to understand the different types of gobbles and their meanings. A
long, drawn-out gobble typically means the tom is far away, while a short, abrupt gobble indicates
that the tom is closer. By listening to the tom's response, the hunter can determine the best
approach for their next move.
When making a tom call, it's crucial to use the right
technique. Start with a deep breath and let out a low-pitched, guttural sound that gradually rises
in pitch. The call should sound natural and convincing, like an actual tom turkey.
As with
any turkey call, practice makes perfect. Spend time honing your tom call technique and listening to
the sounds of real turkeys. Take note of the nuances and subtle variations in tone and pitch, and
try to replicate them in your calls.
When it comes to turkey hunting, the tom call can be a
game-changer. With the right technique and plenty of practice, you can master the tom call and
increase your chances of a successful hunt. So grab your call and get out there – that tom turkey is
waiting for you.
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