Turkey Calls

How to make a purr turkey call


One of the calls that can be useful in certain situations is the purr call. In this article, we will explore the purr call, its purpose, and how to use it effectively in your next turkey hunting trip.

What is the Purr Call?

The purr call is a soft, rolling sound that turkeys make to communicate with one another. It is a low-pitched call that is made by inhaling and exhaling air through the throat, and it is often used by turkeys when they are content, feeding, or relaxed.

When to Use the Purr Call?

The purr call is not as loud or as aggressive as some other calls, but it can still be a useful tool in attracting turkeys. The purr call is best used when turkeys are close by and are already in a relaxed state. It can be used to reassure turkeys that there is no danger nearby, and it can help to keep them calm and in the area for a longer period of time.

How to Make a Purr Call?

To make a purr call, you will need to make a soft, rolling sound in your throat. To do this, you can start by inhaling and exhaling air through your throat while keeping your mouth closed. As you exhale, make a soft, rolling sound by constricting your throat muscles. You can also add a vibration to the sound by tightening your throat muscles. The purr call is a quiet call, so it is important to practice making soft, rolling sounds to perfect the technique.

Final Thoughts

The purr call can be an effective tool in attracting turkeys, especially when they are in a relaxed state. It is a quiet call that is easy to make, and it can help keep turkeys in the area for a longer period of time. As with any call, it is important to practice making the purr call to perfect the technique. By mastering the purr call, you can add another tool to your hunting arsenal and increase your chances of a successful hunting trip.

Turkey call types

Kee-kee | Yelp | Cackle | Cutt | Purr | Tom | Whine | Gobble | Cluck


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