Turkey Calls

How to make a cackle turkey call


The cackle call is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any turkey hunter. This vocalization is used by female turkeys to communicate with other birds in the flock, and can be an effective way to attract gobblers during the spring hunting season.

When executed correctly, the cackle call can help to create a realistic and convincing turkey vocalization that will bring in even the wariest of birds. To perform the cackle call, hunters must use a series of rapid, high-pitched notes that rise and fall in tone, mimicking the sounds of a hen turkey as she moves through the woods.

In order to be successful with the cackle call, it is important to have a good understanding of turkey behavior and vocalizations. Hunters must also be patient and persistent, as it can take some time to locate and call in a turkey using this technique.

When using the cackle call, hunters should look for areas where turkeys are known to roost or gather, such as near water sources or feeding areas. By using the cackle call in these locations, hunters can increase their chances of attracting a gobbler and filling their tag.

Overall, the cackle call is a valuable tool that every turkey hunter should have in their arsenal. With practice and patience, hunters can use this technique to bring in more birds and increase their chances of a successful hunt.

Turkey call types

Kee-kee | Yelp | Cackle | Cutt | Purr | Tom | Whine | Gobble | Cluck


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